What to Do When Your Vehicle Key is Stuck in the Ignition

Most of us spend our days rushing from one thing to another, with the help of our vehicles to get there. While vehicles are reliable a good majority of the time, you may occasionally experience a mishap with one of your car’s components that will inevitably put a damper on your entire day. A good example of this is a car key that refuses to come out of the ignition cylinder. This problem can range from minor to more problematic, but most of the time you will find that you can extract your vehicle key yourself with a little care and attention. Follow the steps described below the next time your car key refuses to come out of the ignition.
Do Not Panic
Try and remain calm if you cannot get your vehicle key out of the ignition, even if you have somewhere you need to be. Obviously, you cannot control the fact that your key is stuck in the ignition and you would prefer to have it out and in hand. Take a few deep breaths so you can think clearly. Having a vehicle key get stuck in the ignition cylinder, if only temporarily, is common and a common trick described below may be all it takes for you to extract your key and move on with your day.
Check That the Vehicle is in Park
Look to make sure your vehicle is properly parked. Some models may not allow drivers to extract their keys unless the car gear is in park and the emergency brake is on. This may be enough to extract your key. If you are still unable to, then you will want to try the next step below. Make sure your car is still properly parked for this next step.